Pulmonary Health
National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week: March 12-18
Anyone that’s ever struggled to catch their breath while battling a nasty cough can tell you it’s no fun. Respiratory illnesses are most commonly caused by adenoviruses. These illnesses can range from the common cold to pneumonia, croup, and bronchitis. People with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of developing severe illnesses caused by adenovirus infection.
Freestone Medical Center offers one-on-one cardiac and pulmonary rehab services to assist patients following a cardiac or pulmonary event or respiratory illness like the flu or COVID. Specially qualified cardiac and pulmonary rehab personnel work with patients and actively monitor heart rate, rhythm, and lung function while using treadmills, bicycles, and other aerobic equipment to gain strength, improve endurance, and improve overall heart and lung performance. Our cardiac rehab specialists also train and educate patients on nutrition and diet, lifestyle, exercise, stress reduction, and medication compliance.
If you’d like to make an appointment with a healthcare provider to determine if you could benefit from these services, call us at (903) 389-2121.