Family Health and Fitness
National Family Health and Fitness Day is September 30, 2023. When families strive to be healthy together, the success rate increases. Incorporating exercise and a healthy diet into your family’s lifestyle is a team effort. To help get you started, we’ve compiled a list of activities families can do together to encourage healthy living while having fun.
- Let every family member share their favorite way to work out. Take turns doing each person’s activity together.
- Enjoy a family walk after dinner.
- Get outside and play together. Throw a frisbee, play tag, or set up an obstacle course.
- Go for a bike ride in your favorite park.
- Play a family sport like football, baseball, basketball, or soccer. For added fun, invite another family to a friendly match.
- Add veggies to your breakfast.
- Go to the grocery store as a family and help your kids understand their healthy options. As a rule of thumb, the items in the outside perimeter of the store are generally healthier as that’s where the fresh foods (produce, meat, dairy) are located.
- Start cooking together. Start off with one meal a week and add in more meals as you can.
When we make reaching health goals a family goal, it becomes a fun activity that challenges everyone to be the best version of themselves.